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Available Wrappers

The following is a list of Resolver Wrappers. If you create one that could be useful for the community please open an Issue or Pull Request so that it can be added. Also, learn how to create your own and apply Resolver Wrappers to a Resolver Map.

Debugger Wrapper

Package: graphql-mocks

import { debuggerWrapper } from 'graphql-mocks/wrapper';

The debuggerWrapper allows you to insert debugger statements before and/or after the wrapped resolver has ran. This would allow to step into the wrapped resolver also, or anything else you could do while in a paused state of execution.

// by default will add a debugger before and after the resolver

// otherwise specify before and/or after as booleans
debuggerWrapper({ before: true, after: true });

This is a full example creating a middleware that applies the debugger wrapper with the before case, to all top-level Query resolvers.

// create a Resolver Map Middleware that applies the
// debugger wrapper to all top-level Query resolvers
// before the resolvers execute
const debuggerMiddleware = embed({
wrappers: [debuggerWrapper({ before: true })],
h: (h) => h.include(field(['Query', '*']))

const handler = new GraphQLHandler({
middlewares: [debuggerMiddleware],
dependencies: { graphqlSchema },

// with dev tools opened a debugger would trigger just before
// the execution of the Query.hello resolver
await handler.query(`{ hello }`);

Latency Wrapper

Package: graphql-mocks

import { latencyWrapper } from 'graphql-mocks/wrapper';

Use the latencyWrapper to provide more realistic latency to resolvers. This can be useful to simulate resolvers that might take a bit longer.

This wrapper can take either a number (in milliseconds), or an array of a lower bound and upper bound and a number will be chosen at random between these.

// will wait 200 milliseconds

// will wait between 200 and 800 milliseconds
latencyWrapper([200, 800]);

This is what the latency wrapper would like applied to resolvers using the embed middleware, applying a delay of 200 milliseconds to all top-level Query resolvers.

// specified in milliseconds
const latencyDelay = 200;

// create a Resolver Map Middleware that applies the
// latency wrapper to all top-level Query resolvers
const latencyMiddleware = embed({
wrappers: [latencyWrapper(latencyDelay)],
h: (h) => h.include(field(['Query', '*']))

const handler = new GraphQLHandler({
middlewares: [latencyMiddleware],
dependencies: { graphqlSchema },

// this will take at least 200 milliseconds
await handler.query(`{ hello }`);

Log Wrapper

Package: graphql-mocks

import { logWrapper } from 'graphql-mocks/wrapper';

This Resolver Wrapper applies logging around the resolver. It logs the arguments the Resolver function is called with, as well as the result. It is useful for troubleshooting and understanding the flow of data in and out of a Resolver. Selectively apply it using the highlight option with embed to pinpoint which Resolvers receive logging. When used with other wrappers it is recommended that the position be considered as outer wrappers won't include logging.

Relay Wrapper

This wrapper is handy for being able a resolver's result and applying relay pagination to it.

The documentation for the Relay Wrapper is covered in the Relay Pagination Guide.

Spy Wrapper

Package: @graphql-mocks/sinon

import { spyWrapper } from '@graphql-mocks/sinon';

Note: Sinon must be installed as a devDependency to be used with this wrapper

The spyWrapper adds spies to the Resolver and makes them available on the state property on the GraphQLHandler instance.

const spyMiddleware = embed({ wrappers: [spyWrapper] });

const handler = new GraphQLHandler({
middlewares: [spyMiddleware],
dependencies: { graphqlSchema },

await handler.query(`{ hello }`);

This is especially handy testing strict scenarios where assertions need to be made around how many times a Resolver was called, what it was called with and what was returned. When used with other Resolver Wrappers it should be considered which order the Spy is applied.